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Coaching by Tim Lewis and Cary Okawa

BKI- BunasawaKai members fighting time; Cerritos College :11110 Alondra Blv Norwalk


Adrian Correal 8:37

Victoria Correal 9:35

Carolina Correal 1:17


Jimmy Correal 3:01 M-2

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Coaching: Dave Loyst & Kamulan

WESTMINSTER High :14325 Goldenwest St. WM Ca 92683, 3/3/2024

BKI -Zach : (Brown/ Black Belt Division) -2nd

He could have two Ippon? -Referee's miss judges but need more improvements.

BKI -Fernando : ( Novice -below Brown Belt Division) -3rd

He needs more basic judo and tactic to review.

Sensei NB 949-645-1674 (Text)

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All competitors will need USA Judo membership only. Nanka will provide a $15 credit when registering on Smoothcomp for the Spring Tournament and are for fist time USA Judo members who have USJF and have designated Nanka as their yudankashai.

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