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2024 Seasons Start : Jan 8th (Mon) MU, Jan 9th (Tue) CM.

BunasawaKai Head Dojo Costa Mesa: (Tue & Fri) - 245 Victoria st CM.

  1. Jr. Judo Class ( Jr and pearents class)---------------------------------------------4:45 - 6:00

  2. Sr. Begginers Judo and Jukkendo class (Jukkendo x2 times a Month)--6:30 - 8:00

  3. Sr. and Jr. Randori Class ( Open Supering- Newaza and Tachiwaza )--8:00 - 9:0

BunasawaKai CG Judo Murrieta: (Mon & Wed) - 38397 Innovation Ct #103 MU.

  1. Jr. Judo Class (Jr Technical and Supering class) ----------------------(Mon) 5:15 - 6:30

  2. Sr. Judo Class (Sr Technical and Superring Class) -------------------(Mon) 6:30 - 8:00

  3. Jr. & Sr. Mix Judo Class ( Technical and supering Class) -----------(Wed) 6:30 - 8:00

Cotact : Shihan Nori Bunaswa 949-645-1674. /

More Info:

Wikipedia /Facebook : Nori Bunasawa

Instagram / Youtube : Bunasawa-kai / BunasawaKai Judo, Jukken Judo

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Bunasawa-Kai member's Family and friends are all Welcome !!!!!


A. Date & Time: 6:15- 9:30 pm. 12/22 (Fri), 2023

B. PLACE: Bunaswa-kai Dojo, 254 Victoria St, Costa Mesa Ca 92627 (Honganji Temple Newport Beach).

C. Type of Party: Potluck  -All BKI members bring any main dishes or dessert or any type of foods. BunaswaKai will provide Pizza and beverage.

  1. Jr. & Sr. Warm-up and light workout. -6:15 pm.

  2. Promotions and Award ceremony. -7:00 pm.

  3. Party start. -7:30 pm -till 9:30 pm.

New Year 2023 Schedule: BKI Dojo will start on - Jan 9th (Tue).

For More Info:

Sensei Nori Bunasawa

Web Site:

Wikipedia / Facebook: Nori Bunasawa

Instagram / Youtube: BunasawaKai

Tel: 949-645-1674 (Text is the best)

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